Thursday, March 26, 2015

From The Han Dynasty To The Internet Age: The Evolution of Lottery

One of the world’s most played betting games—because it is endorsed by more state and national governments than any other game—lottery has existed for hundreds of years, and perhaps, even before common-era human civilizations emerged. The earliest known form of the game is believed to have originated in China during the Han Dynasty between 205 and 187 BC. Comprised of Keno slips, the game was instrumental in providing financial support to various government projects, most notably the Great Wall of China. Other predecessors of the game have their roots in Europe: the Celtic era had the concept of “drawing lots” while Homer’s “Iliad” involved lots being placed into Agamemnon’s helmet to determine who would fight Hector.

 During the peak of the Roman Empire, lotteries were held at dinner parties, mainly for amusement. It was a common practice for noblemen at that time to give their guests fancy gifts through a random drawing of tickets that each guest was assigned with. In the 15th Century, the first official lottery games (selling of tickets for prizes) were recorded in the Low Countries (northwest of Europe). In other territories, lotteries were held to provide better town fortifications and to help the poor.

In Milan, Italy, the game was used to finance the war against the Republic of Venice. But it was in Genoa that lottery became more widespread. In France, a portion of state finances was supplanted by Lotto activities. In England, Queen Elizabeth I chartered an official lottery as well as raffles and other games of chance.

At the turn of the 20th Century, lottery dwindled in importance as many governments have banned it. After the World War II, however, number games started to re-emerge and plenty of casinos were established. The game has become immensely popular that there already dozens of lotteries worldwide that are state or nationally supported. With the advent of the Internet, the game entered another era. Online lottery is now a common feature in online casinos, with a wide variety of number games made available for punters. Operated through RNG (random number generator), the game is accessible by virtually every country where online gambling is not prohibited.

The chances of winning in an online number game vary widely, but the factor that will make the difference is mainly the count of numbers involved. Some lotteries may only involve less than 30 numbers while others may reach a hundred (or even more). Some online casinos produce winners only when their bet matches all drawn numbers while others give smaller prizes for some of the winning numbers.

Playing Hard vs Playing Wise: Key Formula To A Winning Bingo Experience

Playing online Bingo is fun, but it can be a lot more fun if you know when and where it is best to place your bet for this game of chance. Foremost, you should play Bingo with a clear purpose in mind. Are you here only for the jackpot? Or for pure enjoyment? Maybe, both? Regardless, a positive attitude will get you far in the game. And even if it is largely based on luck, it can still give you higher odds at winning with some simple tips. They are as follows:

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bingo: Printed Cards vs. RNG

12BET Number Game
12BET Number Game

Bingo’s presence in gambling facilities is almost universal. The ubiquitous casino game is followed and enjoyed by a massive number of players because of its simple gameplay, reasonably good payouts, and a solid sense of community and interaction it fosters. A more modern version of the game, online bingo, does the same functions but with an added boost for its convenience, accessibility, and more importantly, larger prizes.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Ultimate Guide To Different Bingo Variants: What Every Player Must Know

For online casinos, bingo  has become a staple of their product offerings. This game has the ability to not only create a huge player base, but also generate a billion dollar revenue.

Contrary to popular belief, bingo has different variants. They differ via the range of numbers involved, the card size and the required patterns. But since the type of bingo involved is played online, you can forget the card size for a while.

12BET Number Game Unlimited Cash Back